Saturday, January 12, 2013

Friends are kisses blown to us by angels. ~Author Unknown

Not many people can say they are blessed to have such an amazing support group. Not many people have friends that are more like family. Well, I can say these things. I have an awesome support group. I have made friends who are more like sisters to me than they are friends. I can rely on them totally. For that I am blessed. Yes, I have had help from ladies at church helping me do laundry, or helping me clean my home. People have come over to sit with my girls or have watched them at their own home. My friend, Nikki (who is like a sister) left her family in Alabama, to come up here and take care of me and my family for a whole week! My children have come to know so many people who are more like family than friends. They have Nana Roe, Papa/Uncle Dennis, Auntie Bobbie, Mr. Steve, Justin, Auntie Leeann and Aunt Pam (who is family:)). Their lives have been so touched by these amazing people who have taken us all under their wings. My children are my world. You all have stepped up and helped fill in for me when I am too sick to do so. For this I am so very grateful. But there are two special ladies who have gone above and beyond the call of duty. Two ladies, who have tag-teamed chemo appointments, talked to the doctor during chemo, nursed me back to health when I was down from the chemo. They have given up free time to come help me with Doctor appointments, bringing me things or taking care of my children. These two ladies make me want to be a better person. When I am better, I hope to repay their kindness or help someone in need just as they have done for me. Recently, with the help of others, these two awesome ladies, in their spare time (which wasn't much time), planned an event for me! Rally 4 Randy Rhea. I even have a foundation, the Randy Rhea Foundation! How cool! With out these two very special ladies, I do not think I would have come this far. These two ladies have dropped what they are doing to help me and the girls. April and Allison, You are my rocks. I love you both very much. You have taught me so much! You are my home away from home. Blood may not bond us as sisters but life has. You two will forever be in my heart as sisters. I almost always like to leave a challenge at the end of my post. So, here is my challenge to you. With so much negativity and bullying in this world, stand up and make a difference. It starts with one. Imagine, if we all take one person under our wing how different this world would be. Find one person, sick or not, in your life and make a difference. Shower them with love. Be there for them. Send them a note in the mail or a quick little email. You never know, you may be the difference between life and death.

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