Thursday, November 1, 2012

Broken Heart.

While lying in bed, I heard Noelle sass her grandmother. Why didn't j get up and correct her, you ask? Two reasons. One, her grandmother was handling it and two, Willow was sleeping soundly beside me. As I listened to Noelle disrespect her grandmother, the more I became upset. I wanted to run upstairs and put her over my knee (yes. I do believe in spanking, not beating, my children.). But I knew I needed to let her grandmother handle it. Noelle needs to learn respect for other adults. Her grandmother kept asking "Why are you acting like this?" Which Noelle replied, in a very disrespectful tone "I don't know!" They went back and forth for about five minutes. Finally, Noelle gave an answer. One that broke my heart. "Because, I don't want my mommy to have cancer! I want her to get better! I don't like that she is sick and can't do all the fun things anymore! That did it for me I broke down and cried. I held willow sleeping so peacefully next to me. This is not fair! My babies should not have to bear this. It is so hard to be strong when your baby's heart is breaking.

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