Monday, October 29, 2012

Hurricane Sandy

Today is a great day! I am feeling much better after chemo, although I still get tired easily. But that isn't what makes today so great. While others sit and fret over the storm (hurricane sandy) I am doing a dance! No, not because I love storms, because I don't. But because I get to spend a day with my girls! My dear friend takes my children to her house on the weekends I have chemo. This way I can rest and the girls won't remember me on chemo. By the time they come home I feel better but still need a nap. So, today is great because I feel pretty good and I get to hang with my girlies. To all my mom friends out there, don't think of this storm as though you are "stuck" at home with your kids. Find the silver lining. You have been given a whole day to relax, do crafts, hold your child, without having to rush anywhere. Take this storm as a gift. A gift to treasure your little one(s). One day, you will look at your baby, and want to spend a few precious moments with them, only they may be all grown up by then. Seize the day. Cherish your children. And enjoy Hurricane Sandy. “Too many people miss the silver lining because they're expecting gold.” - Maurice Setterr

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